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Keith Gillison:

Keith Gillison is a UK writer of flash fiction, short stories and novels in many genres including humour, crime and horror. His stories have been published in magazines, anthologies and online. His first novel, The Boss Killers – a dark crime comedy – was published in 2015.


The Ritual
Dear Jennifer

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John Slim:

John Slim became a journalist in 1951, following National Service. He worked for the Kidderminster Shuttle, the Birmingham Post, and the Birmingham Mail.
He was the first journalist to interview Enoch Powell after his “Rivers of Blood” speech in 1968 and the first to interview Muhammad Ali after Parkinson’s disease had been diagnosed.

He was a prolific writer of limericks, publishing 7,500 in seven books. He also wrote over 200 other poems that can now be read at his website: Poems that Rhyme. A more detailed biograpy of John Slim can also be read at that site.

He died in 2014 at the age of 82. His work on this site is reproduced with the kind permission of his wife, Elsa.

Summer Garden
A Number Of
Ghost on the Incline

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T. Hudson Roberts:

T. Hudson Roberts is a first-time author who loves to entertain and make people laugh, whether it’s in person or through his writing.
He is an eclectic sort, always getting into something new. He has played the piano professionally, acted in theater, and is currently writing his first novel.

My Sister Leilani

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Andy Foster:

Andy has been writing stories, poems and songs for many years. But perhaps the highlight of his literary career came when, as a teenager, he had the following letter published in his local paper: "Mr. Smith asks the identity of the unusual bird on the lake in the park. This is a Muscovy Duck, an ornamental bird which probably escaped from a wildfowl collection."

Baby Names
Crowdfunding: Everest Railway
Watch Repair
Beginners Wine Connoisseur Course

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Nicholas Robert:

Nicholas Robert describes himself as an 18 year old aspiring author running the (sadly) fairly unsuccessful blog,, and disappointing his parents on a daily basis.

To the couple who sat in front of me today on the train

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Irena Pasvinter:

Irena Pasvinter divides her time between software engineering, endless family duties and writing poetry and fiction. Her stories and poems have appeared in online and print magazines (Every Day Fiction, Bartleby Snopes, Bewildering Stories, Fiction 365 and many others). Her poem Psalm 3.14159... has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She is currently working on her never ending first novel.
Visit Irena at

Cosmic Honeymoon
Jeff, Dear
The Author

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James Keane:

James Keane was born too many years ago in Brooklyn, New York. Years later, when he was applying to join the cast of the annual spring musical at Georgetown University, he was asked to write down any previous dramatic experience he may have had. He proudly reported that, in kindergarten, he had played a green bean in a “Jack and the Beanstalk” play. Since then, he has had a poetry chapbook, titled What Comes Next, published by Finishing Line Press, and has had poems published in a number of anthologies and print and online publications, including the Indiana Voice Journal, Firewords Quarterly, Blue Monday Review, Wilderness House Literary Review, Tipton Poetry Journal, The RavensPerch, Overwatch Press, Whispers in the Wind, and Contemporary American Voices. In addition, he still can't cook to save his life.

Young Woman at the Gym
A Suburban Welcome

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Joan Leotta:

Joan Leotta plays with words on page and stage. She performs tales featuring food, family, and strong women. Widely published, she’s a 2021 and a 2022 Pushcart nominee and was a 2022 runner-up in Robert Frost Competition. Her essays, poems, and fiction are in or soon will be appearing in Ekphrastic Review, Pinesong, Brass Bell, The Lake, Verse Visual, Verse Virtual, anti-heroin chic, Gargoyle, Silver Birch, Active Muse, The Wild, Synkroniciti, Ovunquesiamo, MacQueen’s Quinterly, Short Humour, Yellow Mama, and others. Her first chapbook, Languid Lusciousness with Lemon is available from Finishing Line Press. Her new chapbook, Feathers on Stone, is out from Main Street Rag and can be ordered from their website or by contacting Joan Leotta on Facebook.
Joan Leotta, Author and Story Performer on Facebook.

More than One
Al Dente
Conspiracy of Birds
Cardinal's Mirror
Moo-ving, a Pasturized Pastoral
Red Hot: Advice for Eating Leftovers, Holiday or Otherwise
Five Steps to Making Morning Toast – in case you’ve forgotten after a Night of Merriment

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Ray Cullis:

Ray Cullis is an American living on the North Carolina coast. His career was in graphic arts including cartooning, caricature, calligraphy and commercial art - you name it and he has probably done it.
Since "retiring" about twenty years ago, he has turned to writing. Ray has two books in print and is working on a half dozen more including a book of short humour pieces that he is currently (September 2016) submitting to literary agents.

The Beast

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Tom Schmidt:

Tom Schmidt is a Chemical Engineer working in medical diagnostics in upstate New York in the United States. He enjoys creative writing and has been published on as well as on and in in the past.
Examples of his stories include:

"The Monster of Jenkins County"
"The Haunting at Midnight"
"The Stranger in the Woods"
"The Germantown Mystery"
"The Mystery in Darby"
"Questions of Time and Matter"
"A Change of Heart"
"An Evening to Remember"

Tom is currently working on the Paul Garigan Crime Mysteries, a collection of short stories centered around a Malibu, California based police detective which he hopes to publish in the future.
Tom can be reached by email at:

The Bare Facts
Doctor, Doctor!!
Can't Take a Hint
The Math of Beer
The Phone Call
Tom Schmidt's Guide to Eating for Free at Work
Pickup Line Put Down
Advice for Men Over 60...
The Unsuccessful Joke

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Israela Margalit:

Israela Margalit is an award-winning television writer, playwright, concert pianist and recording artist, and a recently published short/flash fiction writer.

Good Advice

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Paul Finnigan:

Paul Finnigan is an Ottawa based writer who has a collection of short fiction that has appeared in both Canada and the United States.
Some recent publishers of his work include: Boston Literary Magazine, Feathertale, Polar Expressions Publishing and Every Writer the Magazine.

Missing the Messiah
A Solid Solution
Not Fully Vetted
Pre-Prom Jitters
Go Ahead Bobby
Tips Galore

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Gary Hewitt:

Gary Hewitt is a raconteur who lives in a quaint little village in Kent.
He has had over 90 short stories and poems published and has performed to several live audiences.
He enjoys writing prose and poetry. His style of writing tends to feature edgy characters . Some of his influences are James Herbert, Stephen King, Bulgakov, Tolkein to name but a few.
He is also a proud member of the Hazlitt Arts Centre Writers group in Maidstone which features an eclectic group of very talented writers.
He has a website featuring his published works here:
Details of his novel, Shadowfruit, can be found at:

The Summons

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John Andrew Nield:

John Andrew Nield is a 58 years-old retired civil servant who lives in Blackpool, Lancashire and enjoys spending much of his time composing light verse.
To date he has received many commendations in local poetry competitions and had one of his offerings included in a collection of poems, produced by Thynks Publications entitled LOL (Laugh Out Loud) with Love. 
He is also currently awaiting the publication of one of his verses in Aspects of Faith, an anthology of spiritual poems being produced by United Press.
Drawing upon his long-held fondness for a good joke, John has written and self-published (via,  Chestnuts Reroasted! - a selection of classic jokes and 'time-honoured' bar-room tales, re-told in light verse for your re-acquaintance and pleasure.
You can find further details for Chestnuts Reroasted via the following link:

The Trouble with Nuts!
'Cocks Away'!

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Mary Claire B. Garcia:

Mary Claire B. Garcia is from the Philippines. She is taking up B.S. Development Communication in the University of the Philippines Los Baños Laguna. She likes to paint at her spare time.
Mary Claire has been published in the Otoliths Literary Magazine.

The Boy Who Sold Magical Hearts

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Jamie Dyson:

Jamie Dyson is usually a writer of speculative, dark, or unsettling fiction. He does however get easily distracted distracted and will write whatever you like in exchange for food.
Interaction can be found on Twitter at
@OhDearJamie, or his blog

Indecent Intruder

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Bunkong Tuon:

Bunkong Tuon teaches writing and literature at Union College, in Schenectady, NY. His prose and poetry have appeared in the Massachusetts Review, Paterson Literary Review, Chiron Review, Cultural Weekly, and others. He is the author of the full-length poetry collection, Gruel (NYQ Books, 2015). 

The Getaway

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Andrew Sacks:

Andrew Sacks is an English professor and published freelance writer from Riverside, California, USA.

Anapest Lee (after E. A. Poe and Dr. Seuss)
Lucy Poem (apologies to Wordsworth)
Lucy Poem (further apologies to Wordsworth)
Lucy Poem (even further apologies to Wordsworth)
Lucy's Poem
The Service Contract (with apologies to William Butler Yeats)
Crazy Jane Talks with the Knight (with apologies to William Butler Yeats)
Seven O'Clock (with apologies to A.E. Houseman)
A Bad Bet
Donut Hole

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Sterling Haynes:

Sterling Haynes was born in 1928 and is a retired GP. He has written essays for journals, magazines and newspapers, usually with a humourist twist.
He has written three books of short stories and many articles,  poetry and some hockey haiku.


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Mike Levitt:

For a few years Mike wrote a column titled Chalk Talk. He is presently working on a Hi/Low YA novel. Mike has an MA from San Diego State University and a background in counselling.
He lives in central British Columbia, a stones throw from his children and grand kids.


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Stephen Philip Druce:

Stephen Philip Druce is a humour story writer from Shrewsbury in the UK. He is published with Web-E-Books, The Inconsequential, The Daily Squib, Short Humour Magazine, News Mutiny, The Druids Loom, Lemon Press, and Bad Scents Of Humour.
He has performed musical comedy for ITV - The Flux, and The Discovery Channel, wrote sketches for Spark Sunderland radio, and written for theatre at Goldsmiths College London and Chelsea Half Moon Theatre.

Stephen updates his comedy on Twitter - @DruceStephen

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Laura Solomon:

Laura Solomon has a 2.1 in English Literature (Victoria University, 1997) and a Masters degree in Computer Science (University of London, 2003).
Her books include Black Light, Nothing Lasting, Alternative Medicine, An Imitation of Life, Instant Messages, Vera Magpie, Hilary and David, In Vitro, The Shingle Bar Taniwha and Other Stories, University Days, Freda Kahlo’s Cry and Brain Graft.

She has won prizes in Bridport, Edwin Morgan, Ware Poets, Willesden Herald, Mere Literary Festival, and Essex Poetry Festival competitions.
She was short-listed for the 2009 Virginia Prize and the 2014 International Rubery Award and won the 2009 Proverse Prize.
She has had work accepted in the Edinburgh Review and Wasafiri (UK), Takahe and Landfall (NZ).
She has judged the Sentinel Quarterly Short Story Competition.
Her play The Dummy Bride was part of the 1996 Wellington Fringe Festival and her play Sprout was part of the 2005 Edinburgh Fringe Festival.


The Sammy Stories
Tiffany Revisited
The Laundromat
Revenge on Tiff
The Mohawk
The Doctor
The Cotswolds

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Kerryn Young:

Kerryn Young is the mother of 2 children. She lives in Nelson, New Zealand, where she enjoys the sunny lifestyle.
She has always dreamt of being a writer and has enjoyed working on the 'Sammy series'. Her hobbies include writing and reading.

The Sammy Stories
Tiffany's Dream
The Laundromat
Revenge on Tiff
The Mohawk
The Doctor
The Cotswolds

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David Meech:

David Meech is a New Zealand writer.
He has been published in: New London Writers, The Independent Australia, the Standard New Zealand, Less Than 100 Words, Thinkerbeat.

Jewish Insurgent Badly Tasered
Global Pandemic Weekly - Not Much Change Really
Schrexit - Schrodinger's Brexit

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Bruce Costello:

Bruce Costello lives in the seaside village of Hampden, New Zealand. After studying foreign languages and literature in the late sixties at the University of Canterbury, he spent a few years selling used cars. Then he worked as a radio creative writer for fourteen years, before training in something completely different and rather weird and spending 24 years in private practice. In 2010, he semi-retired and took up writing. Since then, he’s had over a hundred stories accepted by mainstream magazines and literary journals in seven countries.

Rip Van McCullough
Dodgy Dancing
True Mettle
The Perfect Citizen
Best of Mates
Signifying Nothing

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Priyanjana Pramanik:

Priyanjana Pramanik is an economics grad student, and she says that she looks for humour wherever she can to bring light into her joyless existence.

Five Signs That You're an Economics Grad Student

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Russell W.B. Kirkby:

Russell describes himself as as having a background in film and being a novice prose writer.

Doggy Business

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Vijai Pant:

Vijai is a language teacher in a school in India. He also dabbles a bit in writing short stories and anecdotes, mostly gleaned from his personal experiences and surroundings.

Canine Confessions
Combating Corruption
A Sartorial Lesson That Went Wrong
Writing Woes
Chief Guests? Never!
A Teacher's Missing Connect With Students
A Visit to the Doctor in the Nervous Nineties
The Matchless Matchmakers of Yore
The flip side of an early marriage and early children in today’s ‘progressive’ times
A hands-on approach to deal with the prevailing pandemic
Maid for each-other

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Roy P. Hendrickson:

Roy P. Hendrickson is a retired carpenter, now writing poetry and, he says, visiting doctors whenever he can.
Writing came about as a way to find out how to publish an anthology when he joined a writers' guild. Because he sensed they were not into poetry, he wrote a couple short stories which seemed to please them - so below is just the beginning.

Water Into Wine
My Birthday

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Gaby Bedetti:

Gaby Bedetti enjoys teaching Comedy as an Artistic Approach at Eastern Kentucky University, singing with others, and taking photos when she goes for walks.
Visit her at  

Yoga Everywhere
Inspired by Essay Responses to The Beet Queen
6:30 a.m. outside John's Run/Walk Shop
Snark in the Bulk Nut Aisle at the Co-op
Message on Church Lawn
Wonder Woman Revisited
Fan Favorite
Validation by Publication

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Danny Soz:

Danny says he has been writing satire and humour for longer than his family and friends care to remember and has decimated the readership of many a perfectly innocent online publication during that time.
We'll take the risk:

99 Percent Of Hospital Patients Are Highly Inflammable Claims Shock Report
Theresa May Farted With Disappointment When Election Result Became Clear Claims Tory Insider
Regular Unsupervised Beatings At School Could Prevent ADHD In Britain's Youngsters, Claim Over-60s

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Steven K. Smith:

Steven K. Smith is a retired mechanical engineer who has personally had enough brushes with the medical profession to be able to write the story Pâté de Foie Gras, below. That's probably enough about that. Otherwise, he's published a few poems and flash fiction pieces, and some longer short stories in Esperanto. He's a former champion dulcimer player, which has little to do with his writing, but is cool. He plays regularly at a Renaissance Festival while wearing tights.
Wordpress blog:

Pâté de Foie Gras

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Dean Brown:

Dean Brown has been the owner/manager of his squash centre for nearly 20 years, and in that time has been amazed at what can walk through the doors. His articles give a humorous take to the reality of running his business.
The Squash godfather’s credo: The customer is NOT always right!

Confessions of a Squash Court Manager - Episode 1 - Mondays
Confessions of a Squash Court Manager - Episode 2 - Taking a Dump

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Daniel Ableev:

Daniel Ableev was born in 1981. He is a certified strangeologist and Selectronix engineer from Bonn, Germany.
Daniel is the co-editor of:
DIE NOVELLE – Zeitschrift für Experimentelles.
He has been publisheh both in German and in English - in print and online.
Publications include:
Born to Fear: Interviews with Thomas Ligotti ; Ann & Jeff VanderMeer’s The Big Book of Science Fiction and Alu.

Q&Q With Devin Townsend

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Robert Garner McBrearty:

The stories of Robert Garner McBrearty have been widely published in such places as the Pushcart Prize, Narrative, North American Review, and New England Review.
They have often been read on stage by professional actors at dramatized readings.

What Happened To Laura
The Story of Your Life

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Rob Gruen:

Rob Gruen is a media consultant and unproduced playwright who lives in New York with his wife and apartment renovation. 

Shake on it

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Dimitris Dimitriadis:

Dimitri started writing funny (I think so, anyway), weird (my mom thinks so; we don't talk anymore) fiction between drills and beastings during his service in the Greek army (kidding; the service was a delight). 

Weapon Of Choice: Bigger Blender

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Christine Reeve:

Christine rode as a jumps jockey in Australia for 10 years. She has always dabbled with writing but is still trying to get published. She also enjoys learning about writing and has recently turned to, but not restricted to, humour writing.

Power outages - No - Power outrages!!

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Harris Tobias:

Harris Tobias lives and writes in Charlottesville, Virginia. To date Mr. Tobias has published two detective novels, The Greer Agency and A Felony of Birds, to critical acclaim.
In addition he has published dozens of short stories. He is the author of over sixty children’s books including At The Robot ZooThe Reluctant Hero and The Big Fat Alphabet available both in print and as an ebook.
Some of his stories.
His books on
His blog.

The Bay It Buzz
On Blah
Prize Fight
Rent A God
Safety First
The Ballad Of Clan Mac Aroon

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Rick Tornello/Rico Salvatore:

He began writing short stories and poems about 18 years ago after his exile from the Train Wreck Cluster 811 million parsecs from Earth for blaspheming the local political gods.

To assuage his home sickness, he has self-published 4 children’s books including one self-illustrated book of poems.

Rick was the art editor of Quantum Muse and has been published in, Orion’s,, Poetry Hall a Chinese & English Bilingual Journal and has few stories in the anthologies: “A Flash of Aphelion,” “Fantastical Savannahs And Jungles”, “XENOBIOLOGY”, “BLEAKEST TOWERS” and soon to be released anthology “OF POETS, SPIES, AND THE UNEARTHLINESS IN THE TIME OF SHAKESPERE AND MARLOW” coming out in January 2023 where he has a poem written in an early/mid English style. He’s assisted with the translation of some poetry for a Chinese poet.

He studied at The Art Students League in NYC and later picked up a degree in History with an advanced certification in Asian Studies from Rutgers University. Postgraduate studies concentrated in Chinese maritime history.

He with his 2 partners started and owned one of the first nationally based resume database companies specializing in high tech, computer security and various advanced systems of specialized and classified nature.

Hoping to return home, he continues to have a strong interest in propulsion physics and XXXXXXXXXX CLASSIFIED Alien XXXXXXX CLASSIFIED systems and is working with the Allied Space Commands.

He claims he is not insane and not responsible.

By Rick Tornello

Will Debate For Food ............ We're Already A Hydrogen Society ............ Not In Service
Peso Carbonarea   Quantum Mechanics - On Strike!   Valentine Conundrum
Alien Reduction Sauce   A Many Worlds View And The Life Of A Mouse Or The True Story Of Schrodinger's Cat   Calligraphy Of Geese
The Ransom Of The Red Chief   My Sister Is A Robot Or <Control-Alt-Delete>   Calligraphy Of Geese II
A Mid Summer Nights Dinner Delight   Gut Transit Time   A Burp In Reverse
What's Your Hurry, Here's Your Hat   Aunt Teake   Trip Triks Trip Tix
Speak Easy My Friend   SUE, Or Road Rage?   The Lady Or The Tiger
Heavy Semi Slumber - Married Life #2   This Ain't The Circus Of The Sun   Possession Is Nine Tenths Of The Law
Elvis and Diana   Driving Our Teslas   4 Sale
Ride A Broom - To My Young Initiate   None Spared or You Can't Hide From The Electric Slide   The One That Didn't Get Away
A Dental Persuasion   Double Play   The Lesser Vehicle
3.14... ALLe-ALLe-In-Free or Satori   On A Possible Origin Of Dust Bunnies   Quantum Scatology
Poets and Story Tellers   Epoch Designations   Trisha's Roach Coach Dinner On Wheels
Squish   Sunday Morning   Vascco de Chipmunk
Amazon Employee To Be Or Maybe Not While In Phone Loop Hell   Wheels in Motion Rolling Down the Road   Climate Disaster
Ode To Really Cold Winters   Signed, Sealed and Delivered   Ride A Broom - To My Young Initiate
A Visit To The Vet   Aliens In The Mind   Toximus
Modern Art   The Tale Of Bob   Have You Been Served?
Some Self-Made Thoughts While Still Alive   Durga Or Dust Bunnies, Origins III   Earth Music
Credo Quia Absurdum Est   A Love Of Words   Living In A Centrifuge
Morning Bird   Ms Mrs. The Point   In Defense Of Boys And Their Toys
Cat Nip For Sale   No, Not Like Them At All   Origins
Can A Strictly Telepathic Communicating Race Sing The Blues?   Prevailing Winds, V1.2   That Ring Of Tire
A One Way Ticket Or This Ain't The Polar Express   To the tune of MY SHARONA   Presents
Oh Invincible Ones   Of Fog And Sea Changes   A Poem Thinking of The Decameron
Dating, Mating and Social Distance   My Name is Glitch (A cat’s tale)   Sean Chaide
The Scarlet Character   Dinner’s Delight or Dinner as a 1 Act Play    A Short Analysis of the SETI NOISE EMINATING
From The Dominant Creatures on the Planet Called Earth
On Strike!   Toast Of The Town   God Doesn't Play Dice
The True Origins of a Modern Delicacy   The Lost and Lonely Dragon   Where The Ge-moes Are
Three Poems   Christmas Bash   The Real Story Behind The Congressional UFO Meeting

By Rico Salvatore

Hangovers   NIP   Samurai Assassin Ninja Kitty
Used Books   Foster Dad   She Plays With Sticks
The Belly Button’s Secret        

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Hareendran Kallinkeel:

Hareendran Kallinkeel lives in Kerala, India, after a stint of 15 years in a police organization and five years in Special Forces. Waking from a hiatus of nearly a decade, he has recently returned to fiction writing. Prior to the hiatus, he has been widely published in online and print magazines.
The title story of his short fiction collection, A Few Ugly Humans, has earned a Pushcart Prize nomination in 2005.
Recent publications include Aphelion-Webzine - Sep and Oct issues, Scarlet Leaf Review - Nov issue, Flash Fiction Magazine and Pif Magazine - Dec issue.
Three stories forthcoming in Djed Press, two in CC&D Magazine, and one in Lunaris Review.
He also volunteers as a reader for Metaphorosis, a paying market for speculative fiction. 

Beasts in Ravage
Whose, Child?
Sex Education
Cultural Transgressions

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Larry Lefkowitz:

Larry Lefkowitz has had published approximately 135 stories, as well as poetry and humor. His literary novel, The Novel, Kunzman, the Novel! is available as an e-book and in print from and other distributors. Writers and readers with a deep interest in literature will especially enjoy the novel. Lefkowitz’s humorous fantasy and science fiction collection, Laughing into the Fourth dimension is available from Amazon books.


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Dave Gregory:

Dave Gregory was a young writer in search of the world when he inadvertently ended up with a career in the cruise industry. Two decades later, he has retired from life at sea and returned to his first love – writing. His short fiction will soon appear in the Eunoia Review & Soft Cartel.

My Muse

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Aaron Troye-White:

Aaron Troye-White wears many different hats. In fact, he collects them. The hats are metaphors, except for the ones that aren't. Besides writing fiction, he's also written beer journalism, taught English, been a voice-over actor, stand-up comic, computer programmer, and restaurant manager. His fiction has also appeared in The Tampa Review and The Flash Fiction Press.
You can follow him on facebook at:

In Sickness and In Health
I'm Not Bitter
Let Them Eat Steak

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Roger Ley:

Roger Ley was born and educated in London and spent some of his formative years in Saudi Arabia. He worked as an engineer in the oilfields of North Africa and the North Sea, before joining the nuclear industry and later pursuing a career in higher education. His stories and articles have appeared in: The Guardian, The Oldie, Reader’s Digest, Jeff Hawke’s Cosmos, Space Squid, Literally Stories, DECASP, The Dirty Pool, 365tomorrows and Curious Fictions
Visit his webpage at:

Roger has published two books:
‘A Horse in the Morning’ is a collection of comic autobiographical stories.
UK Link: US Link:
‘Chronoscape’ is a science fiction novel about time and alternate realities.
UK Link: US Link:


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Isabella Mori:

Isabella Mori is a mother, grandmother, wife, friend, sister. She also writes: poetry, novels, short stories and non-fiction and has published two books of and about poetry, a bagful of haiku – 87 imperfections, and isabella mori’s teatable book. She has published and blogged over 1,000 articles online and in traditional media. 
Isabella lives in Vancouver, Canada, in a way-too-big house, enjoys being surrounded by houseplants, and takes long walks. She grew up in Germany in a chaotic artists’ household and has lived in Paraguay and Chile. 
Isabella has a Masters Degree in Education and works in the mental health/addiction field. 

The Bridges of Prague

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Joseph S. Pete:

Joseph S. Pete is an award-winning journalist, an Iraq War veteran, an Indiana University graduate, a book reviewer, a photographer, and a frequent guest on Lakeshore Public Radio.
He is a 2017 Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee who has read his work for the Fictitious series on the iO Theater stage and who was named the poet laureate of Chicago BaconFest, a feat that Geoffrey Chaucer chump never accomplished.
His literary or photographic work has appeared in more than 100 journals, including The High Window, Synesthesia Literary Journal, Steep Street Journal, Beautiful Losers, Chicago Literati, Lumpen, Indiana Voice Journal, Punchnel's, Flying Island, Dogzplot, Proximity Magazine, Stoneboat, New Pop Lit, The Grief Diaries, Gravel, The Offbeat, Oddball Magazine, The Perch Magazine, Bull Men's Fiction, Rising Phoenix Review, Thoughtful Dog, shufPoetry, The Roaring Muse, Prairie Winds, Blue Collar Review, The Rat's Ass Review, The Tipton Poetry Journal, Euphemism, Jenny Magazine, Vending Machine Press and elsewhere.
He once Googled the Iowa Writers' Workshop, true story. He once wrote an author bio that was pure Shakespeare but it was banned for just being too real and he had to attach this crappy one instead. Oh, that doesn't make sense? Well, you don't make sense--look, an eagle!.

The Things They Carried, in Space
Bitcoin and Dragons Should Replace Local Libraries to Save Taxpayers Money
Now is Not the Appropriate Time or Place to Discuss How to Stop Wolfshark from Killing Again

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Kevin Synnott:

Kevin Synnott has been teaching full-time and part-time as an adjunct professor at several schools for the past 38 years. He uses humor in the classroom to keep students engaged. He also writes short pieces, like those below, to share with others.

The Importance of Looking Good When Young
PDA Then and Now
My Wife Understands Me

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Joseph Szalinski:

Joseph Szalinski is a graduate of Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania and a resident of Pittsburgh, PA, USA. He works as a teacher’s aide/paraprofessional at a local elementary school.
He majored in Creative Writing (BS) and Language and Literature (BA) while at university. During his time there, he was involved in a myriad of organizations. Joseph makes spoken-word/hip-hop music, performs at open mic nights (rapping and telling jokes), is involved with theater as a writer and actor, and he writes poetry, prose, and scripts. At May 2018 he had a forthcoming publication through Defenestration lit mag for a Humor piece.
Joseph also maintains a blog at tumblr:

Weird Allergy

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Grace Lu:

Grace is a Texas A&M alumnus and an incoming AmeriCorps member.
Her hobbies include cooking low-quality food and pretending she works out.
Visit her blog:

My So-Called Pen Pal
A Totally Scientific Way to Determine Your Hogwarts House

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