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Writers' Showcase

Samurai Assassin Ninja Kitty
by Rico Salvatore

At the door so polite a bow,
a double wink and a slight meow.
Oh how sweet, don’t you think?
Stalk, Slash and cut,
On patrol for the home-mom.
Protector of all that resides within.
I’m your samurai-ninja kitty.
My chocolate brown mask hides
all but my no-fear blue eyes
While my petite frame you mistake.
A professional, a predator perfectly I’m made.
I do my job cleaning up your yard.
When I work it’s not pretty.
I’m your samurai-ninja kitty.
14 blades with fangs, do fear
to slash, cut, slice and tear
my razor sharp tools of the trade.
So don’t give me any gritty
regarding just how my work is plain old nasty.

I’m your assassin kitty
working overtime for the house-mom
keeping the yard clear of rodents, pests and bunnies.
I’m sleek, petite, swift and smart.
On the job I’m mean.
In the home, when I cross that threshold
I’m the kitty cat nice, not bold.
Purr purr purr, rerow
I’ll rub against your leg
But I’ll never ever beg.

However, I ain’t no sissy
I’m really an out door kitty
But when in the home
should the throne be trespassed by,
you can kiss that rodent tail good-bye.
It’s my trade and honor
to make all pests historical goners.

What’s all that noise?
Teeth in your leg spoils your repose?
A simple reminder fitting your comfort sitting.
I’m your on the job Samurai assassin ninja kitty grinning.

By Rico Salvatore © 2024