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Writers' Showcase

A Pointless Passtime
by Stephen Philip Druce

A friend asked me to go fishing with him. I told him I couldn't see the point in fishing.

He told me that was because I wasn't a fisherman.

I told him I didn't want to be a fisherman.

He told me that if I were a fisherman, I'd be able to see the point in it.

I told him I could never see the point in fishing - whether I was a fisherman or not.

He told me that because I wasn't a fisherman, I would never see the point in fishing and that was his point.

I told him that even if I were a fisherman, I could never see the point in fishing - and that was my point.

He told me he couldn't see my point.

I told him that was because he was a fisherman.

He told me that even if he wasn't a fisherman, he still couldn't see my point.

I told him I couldn't see his point.

He told me that was because I wasn't a fisherman.

I told him I didn't want to be a fisherman.

I finally agreed to go fishing with him and caught a fish!! -

it was 2.4 cm x 1.2 cm big,
it had no teeth,
half a tail,
one eye and smelly,
it was a hideous colour,
it was shaped like a turd,
it had pissed itself,
it had a fish disease,
it was vomiting out of its asshole,
and it had a grumpy face too.

"seven hours I've sat on this riverbank for that pathetic specimen - what's the point?" I said.

"Yeah I see your point" he said.