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Writers' Showcase

Modern Art
From the perspective of cubist reality
by Rick Tornello

i was ruminating over the art on the wall; 
trying to make some sense of modern art. Strange, 
reality reduced to lines and faded mathematical perspectives. 

Suddenly, i realized i wasn't alone. Standing 
beside me was this hideous creature. It was 
pinkish with colored sheathing hiding it's body. 
It was a bad dream. 

It had two arms and two legs. How simple 
to move. Two deep set eyes, it’s wonder it could see. 
Two flappy things for sound reception. 

It had a strong artificial odor much like chemicals. 
It stared intently at the pictures on the wall. Then in ' 
a vibratory sound it said, "Don't you just love 
this stuff?"

Rick Tornello © 2010