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Writers' Showcase

Foster Dad
by Rico Salvatore

Your house is in disrepair for whatever reason, even I despair.
It’s been quite a while since you lived there hoping for you
a soon repair.
Because of the cold weather has come about
your large orange Tom has become a squatter,
but I’m not complaining since he’s really no bother.
With open garages he’s always been nosey
just ask the neighbors he’s really so friendly.
To him I’m simply a foster dad.

He’ll be back to you once the damage is fixed.
No moldy walls between or betwixt.
He’ll be tail up glad when your door opens wide.
And all the food and love he craves you’ll provide.
He’s always free to go, on his own accord.
I’m not charging room and board.
I’m just a part-time foster cat dad.

He knows he’s with you it’s plain to view
‘cause when you all drop by
he jumps on your car after
he runs to your yard fast on the fly.
He can’t wait to be at your front door,
then inside your house begging for more.
I’m just a foster cat dad.

To Sum:
We have a cat and she stays inside.
And to have your cat come in,
well, she simply won’t abide.
So no worries good neighbors
your cat I don’t want,
only to keep him from the cold and not bony gaunt.


A Foster Cat Dad.

By Rico Salvatore © 2023