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My Birthday
by Roy P. Hendrickson

My birthday was on June 20, 1947 and I remember that day so well, there I stood a little naked red headed boy, cold, wet, and crying my eyes out. Not just wet but with a slimy mucous all over my little pink body, in my eyes, in my ears, up my nose, on my hair and all over my little body. It was absolutely terrible and it was… it was my Birthday!

There was in that same room a man in a white coat and he picked me up by my feet and smacked me. I couldn’t run from him he had me by both feet and I was totally at his mercy.

Then a lovely nurse ran to my rescue and grabbed me from that horrible man

Oh how I loved that nurse! She took me away from him carried me to a warm bath and bathed me then she dried me with a nice soft warm towel and rapped me snugly in a wonderful warm blanket.

Oh how I loved that nurse! I never wanted to leave her. She weighed me, measured me, and put some kind of drops in my eyes, she cared for me so much and I was so glad she had rescued me from that awful man in the white coat.

Oh how I loved that nurse!

After she had so lovingly cared for me, she took me over to my mother, but I didn’t want to leave her, or rather I didn’t want her to leave me, but my mother fed me and soon my eyes were heavy and I was falling asleep and I forgot about that lovely nurse.

A couple of days later I went home with my mother where she continued to feed me for many, many years to come.

Until one day I met a girl who took me home and fed me, well we got married and I never did go back home to mom, except for visits from time to time. I think that was due to the fact that that girl fed me for many, many years after that.

Oh yes, that nurse: I don’t even remember who she was, or what she looked like or anything else about her.

I guess men are like animals, keep feeding them and they will keep hanging around forever.