[Over the noisy
phone. I mean, literally.] A: [Stifles a midnight yawn.]
How are you doin'?
2: Very well save
that damned health of mine.
A: [Coughing.] What's
2: Everything, I
A: Then you should
be keeping away from things!
2: [Condescendingly.]
I'm putting the phone down, then.
A: Hey! Do not. Don't
cut the line!
2: O.K...
[A long silence
ensues. Total silence.]
A: [Grows serious.]
What are you doin'?
2: Speaking. To you.
A: [Farts a dumb 01.25
fart uneasily.] I mean, before.
2: [Thinking what
to say.] Thinking how to think about my
A: [Scowls.] Don't
joke now. I'm serious.
2: How can you be
Serious? You are Mr... Mr... I don't know...
A: [Abruptly.] Tell
me, do you feel great when speaking to me?
[The other nods as if the other is seeing
her.] Do you?
2: Yes of course.
A: What's the exact
2: [Watching her
watch.] One-thirty and twenty... no
twenty and a half... no twenty one...
twenty-one and a half seconds... I...
A: At ten we meet.
There again. O.K?
2: O.K.
[At ten. Exactly.
On a heath.]
2: [Looking around.]
Each time we come here, what happens?
A: Curnone happens.
2: [Scratches her
nape.] What?
A: Not even few
people are allowed.
2: Mmm... Hot here.
Your teeth must be sweating. [Laughs.]
A: Hairs have grown
on yours!
2: Do you take me
for an honest miller of medieval times?
A: Medieval times?
Miller? [Clears his throat.] Let's come
to the point. I am Serious now.
2: Can you be
Serious. You are Mr. --
A: Rebaptism.
Before coming.
[It is from here
that I really start having a problem.
Perhaps mentally.]
2: It's a problem
to come to the point, you know.
A: Gotta problem?
2: Yes, that's a
problem indeed to have a problem as a
A: Speak your
2: Do you've a
problem with my problem?
A: That's MY
problem if I do. Speak your problem.
2: 'Twill remain a
problem. Or better, it's gonna be (problem)^6
with you!
A: Tell. Tell
2: O.K. My problem's
I don't have a solution to my problem.
A: So, your problem
isn't your problem. Solution's the
problem. Right?
2: Right.
A: What's left when
you've said right?
2: [Ruefully.] My
A: That's a problem
2: Solve my problem.
A: Can I solve
2: Now I have got
two problems.
A: Two too?
2: Your problem of
having a problem to solve my problem,
plus the solution of the problem I have
as problem, I mean as solution.
A: [Looks up.] You
know, for me, death is a bachelor. And
you are a great spinster.
2: [Spins
dexterously.] That I am!
A: Today a union
like this's deemed both a problem and a
solution. Grab one of the two.
2: [Exasperated.]
Go away! GO a way. I don't like talking
about my problems, you all know that. [Spits
on A spitefully.]