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Writers' Showcase

The Autopsy
by Jerry Guarino

It was a dark and stormy night. The body was brought into the medical examiner’s lab. The medical examiner, Dr. John Brody and his assistant, Jose Mariel, prepared to discover the what, how and when of the deceased.

Dr. Brody turned on his recorder.

“This is Dr. John Brody and my assistant Jose Mariel at 2200 hours, January 23rd 2024. We are examining a John Doe recovered by the Las Vegas CSI team.”

“Dr. Brody, I’ve never seen a body in such a condition.”

“Mr. Mariel, you will someday. But this is something I have seen before.”

The body, a large man with a bloated stomach, lay still on the cold, metal table, the lights illuminating his nude figure.

“Three hundred- and ten-pounds doctor. Is that due to the distension?”

“Perhaps somewhat. We’ll know more when we cut him open.”

Dr. Brody was about to make the Y-shaped incision you see on those crime shows, but first took a scalpel and pushed it gently into the abdomen near the navel. A loud and long hissing sound occurred.

“Looks like we need to recheck his weight now.”

Jose looked at the scale attached to the table. “Only two hundred and ninety pounds now Doctor. How is that possible?”

“Gas in the stomach and probably undigested food. “Let’s use that figure.”

Dr. Brody made the Y-shaped incision and spread the chest cavity open. A horrible smell escaped and grotesque-colored organs appeared.

Jose gagged.

“Are you ok son?”

“Yes, Doctor.” Jose adjusted his mask.

Dr. Brody explored the internal cavity. Then he noticed something strange.

“What is it, Doctor?”

“I don’t understand. This man has no heart.”

“Maybe it shifted inside with all that gas.”

“No, it should be here”, pointing to the location. “Take a photo or two.”

“Yes, Doctor.” Jose took a couple of flash pictures of where the heart should have been.

“I think we need to open the head.”

Jose handed the ban saw used to open the cranial cavity. After several minutes of buzzing and grinding that would make a dentist squirm, he pulled back the facial skin surrounding the skull. Then he lifted the skull upwards.

“You better take some pictures here too Jose.”

What Jose saw was a gelatinous blob, bluish and green in color.

“I’ve never seen a brain like that Doctor. What happened to it?”

“It’s not the brain Mr. Mariel, just a fatty substance where the brain should be.”

Jose gagged again and excused himself. “I’ll be right back sir.”

Dr. Brody continued with the exam. He noticed two bullet holes on his left foot.

“The deceased has two gunshot wounds in his left foot. It is unclear whether they were self-inflicted or not.”

“Jose, pack up the deceased’s clothing and send it up to the CSIs for analysis. Maybe they can figure out who or what this was.”

“Yes Doctor, right away.” Jose carefully and respectfully packed the clothing, blue jeans, a plaid shirt, and a red hat.

Final Report by Dr. John Brody, Medical Examiner for the Las Vegas crime lab:
The victim was a male, approximately 40 years old and weighing two hundred and ninety pounds. He had no heart, no brain, and appears to have shot himself in the left foot. Twice.

The Autopsy by Jerry Guarino
Copyright March, 2024 – All Rights Reserved