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Writers' Showcase

Proposal for a New Quiz Show: How to Catch a Millionaire
by K. A. Laity

Contestants will be allowed to petition for inclusion when social services fail to provide funding for their childcare/eldercare/disability/pension/mental health issues. To make the final cut, they must fight other impoverished contestants first in general knowledge questions (to include categories such as ‘pop music’ and ‘celebrities’ and ‘television’ and ‘sport’), then in advanced knowledge (i. e. history, literature, art) and finally in a sledgehammer duel between the final two contestants for the big money pay off.

Final contestant will then seek a sports figure/investment banker/hedge fund manager/politician/industrialist who has been recently disgraced/jailed/exposed/caught and who will have one million pounds/dollars/euros attached to his/her body and released four hours ahead of the contestant in a remote desert/a rugged mountain/a thick jungle/Croydon.

The contestant will be allowed twenty four hours to locate the millionaire and extract the cash and any desired body parts/promises of wealth/bitter revenge while the audience in studio and on line offer hints/technical advice/exhortations to violence.

Should the millionaire elude the contestant, they will be freed to continue their nefarious ways. The contestant will be eliminated.