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Writers' Showcase

A Tale of Two Mikes
by Jerry Guarino

April 14, 2023 – Boston, MA

On his thirtieth birthday, Mike Colangelo is being interviewed by a pretty local reporter in the Boston Garden complex, home of the legendary Boston Celtics and Boston Bruins.

Reporter: So, Mr. Colangelo, your life is a sort of a rags-to-riches story. Tell us how you became the youngest double D donut franchise owner in the Garden.

Mike Colangelo: Well, it is quite interesting. I was in graduate school when my father became ill and unable to work. He had a small donut shop in East Boston. I took a leave from my studies to run the store.

Reporter: What were you studying in school?

Mike Colangelo: Forensic Computer Science. That’s the use of technology to catch criminals.

Reporter: Very interesting. Nothing like making and selling donuts, though.

Mike Colangelo: Well, that’s the funny part. It wore me out at first, having to start the day at 3:00 am, but after a while, I liked it.

Reporter: Selling donuts can’t be very lucrative.

Mike Colangelo: No, not a lot of dough in the dough.

Reporter: I’ll ignore that terrible pun.

Mike Colangelo: I was investigating cybercrime when I came across the case of Michael Angelo.

Reporter: The same as yours!

Mike Colangelo: No, spelled differently. More incredibly we have the same birthday, April 14th, 1993.

Reporter: Wait, that’s today. Happy Birthday!

Mike Colangelo: Thanks. Not only did our names sound the same and we had the same birthday, but Michael Angelo was stealing money from the number one donut franchise.

Reporter: How did you catch on to that?

Mike Colangelo: I used an Artificial Intelligence program, AI to research crimes that had not yet been solved. When I saw a name like mine, I dug in. Turns out, Michael Angelo had been taking one dollar a day from every donut shop in the company and putting into his own account for over a year. I can’t tell you how much that was, but it was over a million dollars.

Reporter: That’s a lot of donuts.

Mike Colangelo: Michael Angelo skipped the country, and landed in the Caribbean with his girlfriend who was not his wife. The wife was a friend of a college friend who knew about my forensic computer science activities. So, I had another reason to pursue it. One, to clear my name and also to help the wife.

Reporter: Where does the AI come in?

Mike Colangelo: That’s when I used the AI program, searching for names like mine, Mr. Angelo’s and variants that either sounded or were spelled similarly. Although there were dozens of names, only his had in common computer science skills working at a donut company. From there it was just a matter of forensic accounting.

Reporter: What happened to your father’s donut shop?

Mike Colangelo: When I reported the crime to DD, they bought out my shop and set me up here in the garden.

Reporter: This has to be the best location for selling donuts, a concession to the Celtics, Bruins, concerts and all the other events.

Mike Colangelo: Yes, there’s only one drawback. No time to date.

Reporter: So, there it is friends. Mike Colangelo turned his dreams into a dream job. Angela Michaels reporting from The Boston Garden for WCVB.

Angela Michaels handed her microphone to the television photographer. “All right, I’ll see you back at the station.”

Mike Colangelo, now taken by the beautiful young reporter, didn’t want to let her go. “May I offer you a donut?”

“Why, yes, that would be lovely. I’ve always loved double D donuts. I grew up here.”

“Well, what is your favorite?”

“A Boston Krème, of course.”


Mike and Angela started dating. Before long, they were married. Angela left her job as a reporter, to stay home and raise the kids,

Mike became rich as the exclusive franchise donut owner at the garden. They lived happily ever after.

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