Orson Scott Cart,
Meet Louisa May Alcart: Top Twenty Nicknames
Librarians Have Given To Book Carts
by Roz Warren
If you work in
a library, you work with book carts, so naturally
you give them nicknames. You could call your
faithful book cart Bumpy, Squeaky, Rusty or Tipsy.
But surely you can do better than that! Here's a
list of actual nicknames librarians have bestowed
upon their favorite book carts:
Boris Cartoff
Andrew Cartnegie
Louisa May Alcart
Orson Scott Cart
Magna Carta
Herman Shelfville
Carty McCartface
Paul McCartney
Cartin Sheen
Kim Kartdashian
Wheels DeGrasse Tyson
Cart Blanche
Cartship Enterprise
Carth Books (and his wife Trisha Cartwood)
Bookaditch Cartabatch
Groucho Cart
Cart Vader
Lord Voldecart
Cartasaurus Rex
If you're a
librarian and these names inspire you to re-name
the book cart in your life, please share the
results in the comments section.