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Writers' Showcase

O Chocolate Cake
by Abigail Wyatt

O chocolate cake, sweet chocolate cake,
you stand alone. Make no mistake.
though battenburgs and tarts be baked
and offered up silver plates,
though coffee cream and cherries call
and donuts, buns and pastries all –
and even cupcakes, dressed to kill,
and slices iced with cream that spills,
and strudels sticky with delight,
though all such fancies tempt my sight
yet still will I stay chaste and true
in loving, reverent awe –of you.
O chocolate cake, o chocolate cake,
I’ll not be swayed for your sweet sake.
nor will I yield when I am pressed
to carrot cake, the acid test;
instead, I’ll blush and turn away
No, not for me, I’ll coyly say.
All blandishments I will resist:
the butter cream, the candy kiss,
the lemon zest, the marzipan,
I’ll give them up – I know I can.
Of flapjacks I’ll be dispossessed,
of marble cake and all the rest;
no rich Dundee or Chelsea bun,
no rock cake or sweet Sally Lunn.
Meringues are sweet, but not for me:
to you I swear fidelity.
O Chocolate cake, o chocolate cake,
my heart beholds – and palpitates;
my appetites you cannot slake.
I tremble and I quake.
And, though I yearn for your dark bliss
there’s anguish and despair in this:
desire yawns like a black abyss:
I hesitate; I ache.
While devil kisses stain my lips,
and my quick tongue with pleasure drips
your ecstasy all else outstrips –
but lingers on – my thighs and hips