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Writers' Showcase

Not Quite The Threesome He Envisioned
by Katie O'Brian-Robles

I took Sofia into the doggie day spa to get her teeth cleaned, nails trimmed and a bath. This constitutes a full day as they do put the girls into a kind of twilight sleep whilst cleaning their teeth. I picked her up around three and the girl was stoned.. BLIND DRUNK.. She wobbled inside and curled up and passed out on her bed as she was too toasted to get up on the sofa. Little by little she came out of it and when my husband got home, he felt sorry for his baby and invited her to sleep with us. (The girl just had too many martinis at the spa and was woozy, that's all..  but I digress.)

The Grand Dame jumped up on our bed and and took her place at the foot like the perfect doberman. All was well til around three in the morning, when I found myself hugging the very edge of my side and Mike doing the same on his own side. Sofia was sprawled kitty corner snoring like a freight train.

"Okay, so this wasn't a good idea," huffed Mike as he took pillows and comforter down to the sofa, leaving me with 90 pounds of hung over doberdiva.

"Come on Sofia, off."

"That's a good girl, mommy has a liver treat for you... DOWN."

All this seems to work perfectly for Cesar Milan and that Victoria Stillwell whisperer. Not for me. Her eyes were squinched as tight as possible and she was doing a great imitation of a dead dog. 


I was ignored..

I tipped the mattress to kind of let her slide off.. she clutched the edges with her newly manicured nails and hung on with all her might. I finally got her off and as she stood blinking at me I said.. "There that wasn't so bad was it?"

Within a split second she was back on the bed.. I joined Mike on the sofa downstairs..