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Writers' Showcase

In Thanks
by Judith Mesch

In thanks, as I never get out of the house
I thought I would give you
A mouse
They’re not easy to catch
But we have a whole batch
And I just thought I’d snatch
A smallish one (or two)
Though it’s true I’m no match
For a mouse at the top of his game
But one that is lame
Or from habit excessively tame
Is bound to be catchable
His tail less detachable
His tiny ears scratchable
In short, the thing’s dispatchable
Now a plan that I think’s hatchable:
A mousetrap must be spread with jam
Then alternating cheese, a gram
And crumbs of cake
The sort a Mother Mouse would bake
(More likely then, the children take)
Now carefully, with nary flutter
I’ll top it off with peanut butter.
And then in shadowed nook I’ll mutter
Until its time to use my putter
Although our Creed does not allow us
To torment even just a Mow us
I cannot think it would be sinful
To make a gift of just one skinful.
In fact I might give you a binful.