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Writers' Showcase

Splitting Hares
by Michael C. Keith

Josh had found an image on-line of a couple dressed in bunny costumes to send to his wife on Easter. She had a particular aversion to people in rabbit suits––“creepy,” she had said––so he intended it as a joke. After he had emailed the jpeg, he dragged it to his trash, but it would not go in. “C’mon, get back into your rabbit hole, he muttered.” He tried several more times and finally restarted his computer to see if it would clear up the glitch. It did not. To hell with it, he thought, and went on to something else. Later his wife came into his office and asked when he got her a new computer. He said he didn’t know what she was talking about and went with her to her work area. Sure enough a new computer sat next to her old one. Josh explained that he had no idea how the second computer got there, and his wife waved him off with a sly smile and thanked him for the Easter gift. “It’s very sweet of you, honey, knowing that my old computer needed to be replaced.” Perplexed, Josh returned to his office only to find two new computers next to his year-old iMac. What the . . .? Okay, who’s playing a joke on us?” he wondered, and then looked at his computer’s monitor. The bunny image that he could not get rid of was different than the one he had originally uploaded. The new one displayed bunnies copulating. Suddenly he heard his wife shout his name, and he rushed to her. When he arrived on the scene, he found her standing before a row of new computers. “Look!” she cried out. What’s going on? Every time I turn around there’s more computers. It was then that Josh figured out what was happening.