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Writers' Showcase

He Had a Series of Flashes Before Going Under
by Michael C. Keith

Fast Food

The biggest attraction at Jacob’s restaurant was its flying servers.
While the food at the small bistro was quite good,
the service was outstanding.

                                                Destructive Communication

                                                When she turns over and the silence says no!


Agatha was born with an umbrella handle in her nose.
She was scorned and ridiculed until it rained.

                                                In Response to the Brash Young Man

                                                The old man replied:
                                                I was your age twenty minutes ago.
                                                And you will understand what I mean
                                                Twenty minutes from now.

On a Cold Damp April Night

Tinsel reflect
Electrical speck
Glossy pink shadow
Titanic bulk wreck

                                                Twilight Urges

                                                Johnny had to pee,
                                                But he could not move.

A Far Off Voice

“He’s under,”
Declared the surgeon.