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Writers' Showcase

The Day of the Hippo
by Walt Giersbach

Old Doc Merganthaler didn’t seem to miss his waste basket made from a hippopotamus foot.  It was some crappy souvenir he’d picked up in Africa, no doubt.

Eric and Gip stole the trophy while the students were in the dining hall and the professors were home drinking.  Then they trudged from the classroom through the biting wind to the pond on campus.

Gip unwound a rope and tied two lengths to the foot.  Eric took one end and Gip the other, dangling the foot between them.  Carefully, they plopped the foot into the snow so a trail of footprints walked from the highway to the middle of the pond.

It was Eric who took a huge stone, stuffed it into the wastebasket and flung it through the ice where the footprints ended.  “So long, hippo,” Gip said, and they walked back to Eric's dorm room to drink beer.

By Monday afternoon, the story of the drowning incident buzzed through the campus. The biology department identified the footprints as those of a Hippopotamus amphibius, or river horse.  The town paper carried the story as front page news.  College health officials warned students not to drink from the pond reservoir.  The state police said a scuba diver was on his way from Iowa City.

No one paid attention to Doc Merganthaler’s plaintive inquiries about his missing waste basket.

“Next, I’m going to try elephant water skiing when the ice melts,”  Eric said after his third beer on Monday evening, “The drowned hippo was pretty cool.”

“About your elephant on water skis,” Gip said, “An actual elephant might be hard to find.  And water skis?”

Eric popped another brew.  “Maybe, but I know where there's a cow all alone outside of town.  Give me a few minutes to think about the boat and skis.”