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Not in My Backyard
by Walt Giersbach

“New survey says 73 percent … opposed to country taking in Guantánamo prisoners” Associated Press headline 1/31/09

Federal Corrections Office
Washington, D.C.

Dear Sirs:

I am the mayor of Arlos Creek, Mississippi. You may have heard of us folk in that there New York Times article, “The Town Time Misplaced.” Yes, it is true that we are so poor that we can’t even afford a comma in our name. (That be our little joke.)

Well, to get to the point of my writing, we hear you’ve got a bunch of financial rascals that have bilked the public. There was that Bernard Madoff guy who spirited away 50 billion, and that Caribbean banker who made off with another few millions. And I spose the Feds will collar some more Wall Street pirates, mortgage shysters and slicky boys in the near future.

The way we see it down here, you’d be puttin a lot of good talent to waste if you just stuck them in a jail somewheres, gardening flowers and such. We’d be more than happy to take them in Arlos Creek. We have a pretty good jail built in ’36 and no one to populate it. We also think this Mr. Madoff could look over our budget while he’s in our hoosegow, and if he teased the books a bit we might afford a new traffic light. That’d be a heap of help since some rowdies broke our only light in 1982.

Our town banker, Jerry Crutchfield (he’s president of what President Obama calls one of the “good banks”) thought we would also want that guy from Lehman Brothers to come visit. He could put a little pep into our money situation.

We are a right friendly town. Yes, we are mostly Baptists—the dunkin kind—but Ralph Stokely who owns the lumberyard volunteered to convert to being Jewish. That way those bankers could feel at home. His wife, I might add, makes bagels for sale at the church, where they say they go great with peanut butter.

A lotta people got money in their mattresses. Not here, you understand, but the counties down on the Gulf that have a bunch of casinos and a senator in their pocket. We think we could give em a run for their money if we had our share of slick money boys too.

So if you end up with a bunch of prisoners and don’t know where to park them, like those terrorists at Guantanamo, well, you might send a busload down to Arlos Creek. We set a mighty fine table and would be lookin to have some visitors who know their way around a dollar.

Yours sincerely,
Leroy Bancroft

p.s. Your prisoners may be smarty-pants, but Emily Chatsworth over at our Library says, “Don’t send us no pedants.” I agree. We got enough child molesters in the state capital.