Smart Peeple R
The Caws Of The Wurld's Trubbles
by Roger Freed
Ther nedes to
bee a law aganst smart peeple. They R the reel
reeson behind a lot of the wurlds problems. Evri
won blames bad peeple fur the trubbles that exist
butt if u investigaat depeley enuf u will sea
that itt is reely peeple with two mani branes
that are respocible fur much ov the wohs uv our
Fur instanse,
taik a look at Acmajinudad (don't expect mee to
nowe how to spel THAT naim rite!), the Presudent
of Iran ( I wonder if he named the cuntry I-ran
becuze he had to run fur ellection there, har,
har har!). He sownds like an idiut when u listen
to him maake speaches, but he wuz actually a
Universitie perfessor wuns. Now he servz az the
step and fetch it boi fur the religus Imansz hoo
reely run the cuntrie. I think thei wanted an
intelectwoal to be the front mann becaws al thei
knoo how to do themselves iz tel peeple knot wut
to do and wat knot to doo and to stone them if
thei doo wut thei warned them knot to doo.
Ass-sad, the
Prezident of Siria, is reel inteligant. Hee went
to skool in Lundon and becum a Othomul.....Optomug.....Optramag.......a
person woo takes care of peeple's eies. Then hiz
papa kiked the buket und theiy maid him the hed
of Siria. Now look wut hee duz. He kils anywon
who saiz boo aginst him. He haz haf the cuntry
riled up. No wunder hiz name is ASS-sad!
And wut abowt
Hitler? Hee wuz reel sharp at ataking uther
naituns wenn they wuzn't expectating itt. Butt
wen he started getting ataked on all fore sidz
himself bei hiz enemees the best answer hee kud
cum up with wuz too blow those grate branes uv
hiz out uv hiz hed. Ther is nuthin' like pissin'
of al of Urope, Rusia and Amerika two ruin thingz
(Sea, I new too Kapitalize them naims). Espcially
wen haf them cuntries are biger than Germani
Bernee Madeoff
iz the perfekt exampul of a smart guy ho uzed hiz
branes to make peeple mizerable. Maibee two smart
four hiz own gud. Hee uzed Ponzee skeems to rob
peeple uv a lot of monie. I don't no hoo this
Ponzee guy iz, butt both uv them aught to bee in
jale! Uv corse, I herd hee helped build the
Peeramidz two, whitch iz mabee a gud thing.
Ar own
Prezidnet Bush nummer two went to,
never mind on himm. Hiz colege edjukation never
dunn him no gud anywais. However, hiz buddi Dik
Cheny wuz reel smart in a ruthles sort uv wai. He
managed to make the hole government a tool uv
corpurat power and maid hizself millunes wile
pretending to liv on a vice Prezidents waigz. And
the funi part iz he uzed the dumm guy, Bush, to
git the derty work dun!