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Writers' Showcase

The Grudge
by Ian Curtress

How many years had they been close friends, seems forever, those Uni times. What a pity that period of difficulty when they both fell in love with the same girl.
When he became engaged to Patricia just a year ago there was a distinct cooling on Bobs part.
So what better way of restoring their friendship than by asking him to be his Best Man and organise his stag night.
They were to be married in Greece and guests were joining them a week before so there was plenty of time to decide on the surprise stag night.
His friend seemed his old self and entered into the spirit of the task.

Came the Day…
He was picked up blindfolded and put on a boat, after about half an hour he was helped onto the shore and he heard the boat leave.
Struggling to remove the blindfold he heard someone behind him. They untied the knot and he rubbed his eyes to regain focus.
Turning he saw the most beautiful girl who smiled, took his hand and walking up the beach said my name is Maria. I am going to introduce you Greek food, Greek dancing and Greek hospitality.
I am told this is your last Special Day.
He was happy, intrigued but not too sure about the Last Special Day remark.
However he was intoxicated by the beautiful island, the blue sea and he had to admit the beautiful girl companion. So was ready for anything.

They had walked hand in hand into the heavily wooded part of the island until they reached a clearing where stood an old but romantic looking hut.
Several of Maria’s friends were there preparing what was to become a feast. Surprisingly several had a pretty good smattering of English.
The atmosphere was amazing, as was the food.There was talking, laughing, lots of laughing about language.
Quite a lot of drinking but all with happy intent.

The sun was at its peak and it was thought wise they should all find shade and rest as there was to be much dancing all evening.
Maria chose what was obviously a favourite spot and they collapsed with gratitude onto the cool grass.
She was within touching distance of him and he noticed just how beautiful she was, eyes closed and at peace. He turned away and dropped asleep.

He was aware of music but for a moment was disoriented. Then Maria appeared looking incredibly fresh and sparkling.
You have had a very sound sleep which is good as it is going to be a very energetic evening. And so it was….
Learning , or attempting to learn Greek dancing. Drinking and dancing until the small hours. Then they all said their goodbyes and were gone.

Maria said the boat is picking you up in the morning so you can sleep in the hut, give me ten minutes and I won’t disturb you. Looking at her he saw a Greek goddess, for the first time he really noticed the lovely gown she was wearing as she went into the hut.
His thoughts and emotions were all over the place so he sat for a while before following her.
There she was, lying elegantly on the bed. The gown uncreased but now a heavy veil covered her face and shoulders.
He began to lie alongside her and then suddenly his brain went into over drive. Parts of the puzzle fitted. The grudge was still there!
He knew that perfume anywhere. He had bought it with difficulty knowing it was her favourite.
A lovely surprise Patricia but why didn’t you join in the fun today, he said, and slowly lifted the veil.
She showed a mixture of relief, embarrassment and sheer joy.
I’m sorry she said, it was Bobs idea for your Stag night, but I now see the ulterior motive. Hoping you would be unfaithful and I would turn to him.
Maria innocently, thought it was all a real surprise (Odd Brits) and had no idea of the implications.
That perfume was worth every penny!