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Man o' Manna!
by Albert Russo

Mo was getting impatient, both with his folk and with the Creatress Herself, coz She was the cause of all the stress the former were suffering from. He had to be very careful as to how he would address Her, even if at times, he would have wanted to swear like a fishmonger. Now, where does that expreshun come from? Go to Wikipipi and bring me back the answer. That’s your homework, hey, you don’t expect me to feed you with every bit of knowledge!

Goddess was still busy filling the oceans with new species which humans would take centuries to discover, if they ever did, coz even today there are almost as many sea animals as there are stars, which are still unknown.

“Okay, okay,” She grumbled, I’ll tend to you now, impatient brats!”

Then all of a sudden a river appeared with the freshest water the Israelites had ever had the privilege of drinking. That’s when mineral water was invented, only then, bottles didn’t exist. You had to cup your hands. And soon thereafter, low low low and bejeezette, the sky became dark with thousands of quails. At first it looked like another plague, but soon enough flocks of these delicious lil birds fell to the ground, some them knocking people’s heads in a flurry of bangs that sounded like music to the famished Israelites. They were seeing pretty stars and squinting gleefully. Mmm mmm, grilled quails with polenta are one of my favorite dishes.

One morning Moses and his nomadic folk woke up with the ground covered with a thick white dust. Someone shouted: “Hey this tastes good!” And soon everybody started to eat that unique breakfast, which is called manna.

“Goddess Almighty, you’re really somethin’!” exclaimed a bozo. Others repeated after him, “yeah you’re somethin’.”

Goddess didn’t appreciate to be compared to a thing and She wanted to show who the ‘somethin’ was. And so, the next day, She let a band of Amalekites come down from the mountains to fight against the Israelites.

Mo prayed Goddess for mercy. Since he sincerely repented for his people’s bad manners, She let them push the attackers away and vanquish them.

To thank Goddess, Moses climbed the mountain and bowed several times, so low that he could sniff his toes, which smelled of fermented cheese. He didn’t dare to pull faces, lest Goddess punish Her people again, so he forced a very toothy smile.

This is when Goddess gave them the Ten woah Commandments, the very first rules of morality which would spread from the Middle East to the rest of the world. It was all so new and forbidding that the Israelites were at first totally flabbyghosted, on account that never before did they have to obey to such a list of strict commandments. It was ok not to murder people and not to steal, but not to be jealous of other people’s possessions, wasn’t that going a bit too far?