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Writers' Showcase

by Jeffrey Wald

‘Ello gov’na. Ha, I’ve always wanted to say that.

I know you don’t think that I exist. But let me assure you, I am very real. OK, perhaps that is not quite right. You might say I was not yet a boy, like Pinnochio before he was sprinkled with fairy dust. Wasn’t he just kindling then? And Geppetto no more guilty of a crime if he threw that wooden marionette into the fire than if he tossed a bundle of oak trimmings in? Let me answer your fallacious (what, you didn’t know a fetus could use big words?) reasoning with a couple of questions. Who made Pinnocchio? And who made me? When did Pinnochio become a Real Boy? And when, do you suppose, would have become a Real Boy?

But I could have forgiven you your weak-brained illogical conclusions – indeed, I already have. Your types have come to believe your pseudo-science, and have thus developed a certain degree of invincible ignorance in that regard. Ah well, that ignorance shall be burned away in time.

But what I haven’t forgiven you for, and why I have been sent back here – there can be no grudges there, you know – is for the way you treated my mother, all mothers in fact. You who promised to help them, protect them, care for them, instead handed them over to The Coachman. You who took an oath to uphold the law, to do Good and seek Justice, have instead called Evil Good, and Good Evil. You are worse than Lampwick. Perhaps you can sleep at night – you’re sleeping just fine now it appears, but I’ll put an end to that in due course – but not so my mother. Not so. Do you know what happens to someone who does evil – I mean grave, grave evil? They come undone; their conscience gnaws at them until they bray like asses in the night just to silence that internal whisper.

Conscience, you say, what’s that? Oh, I know, that’s something you shelved long ago – another one of your pseudo-scientific rationales, a Darwinian miswiring you said, or the remnants of authoritarian religious rule – but no one can ignore it forever. Like bad Chinese food, it will always reappear (what, you didn’t know fetuses could speak in similes and metaphors? What do you think the word “fetus” is if not a monstrous metaphor?) But in any event, your punishment and mine have merged. Yours, for not asking forgiveness, and mine for not being willing to forgive.
So here I am, like Scrooge’s ghost of Christmas past, to haunt you. Ah, but not simply in your mind – not simply as a phantasm or a spirit – he knows you would dismiss that offhand. You’d simply disregard me as another one of those evolutionary miswirings, or as the last remnants of that bad Chinese food you ate last night (you really must stop going there. Its not authentic). No, he’s sent me to you in flesh and blood. But here’s the funny part – you can’t say he doesn’t have a sense of humor – he’s sent me as a cricket.

Now listen: I want to be a cricket about as much as you want to be haunted by one. So do us both a favor: ask for forgiveness. As soon as you do, I’m willing to forgive you. And both our punishments will cease. And look, you can do it right now. Remember? You have a press conference at 9. And you’ve overslept. So wake up you lazy pile of flesh and bones and tell the whole world how sorry you are. I say, Wake Up!


“Mr. Governor, Mr. Governor. Hurry, you’ve slept in. You’re on in 10 minutes.”

“What? Huh? Oh. I had the worst night of sleep. Must have been a bad egg roll. What a terrible nightmare. I was being harassed by a talking cricket. We really gotta send the health inspector over there, clean it up.”

“A talking cricket? Whatever you say, boss. You’re on in 5. Get dressed.”


“Good morning all. Good morning. It is so good to be with you this morning. It’s an exciting moment. Truly historic. A real leap forward in compassion and mercy for our fine state. For today, in just a few minutes, House Bill 666 will be introduced on the floor. And what a bill it is! This bill – popularly called the Health, Environment, and Life Legislation – will be the model for all states going forward. Let me tell you a little bit about it.”

“Excuse me, Mr. Governor?”

“Sorry, Jerry, if you could hold all questions until the end.”

“But Mr. Governor, umm, what’s that little black thing crawling out of your ear?”


“Yes, Governor. I think there’s an insect coming out of your ear.”

“What? No. No. No. No. It can’t be. Impossible. Oh God help me!”

Chirp, chirp, chirp.