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How Lloyd Got His Black Eye
by Don Drewniak

Friends of mine, Lloyd and his wife Elizabeth, recently celebrated their 60th anniversary after marrying when they both were twenty-one.

A former president of the United States once proclaimed that “aging is not for the timid.”

Aging ultimately takes a toll on just about every part of one’s body, including hearing. If research can be trusted, it applies to men more than women.

There is, however, one twist to the loss of hearing that has been studied by Dr. Joseph Deafby and Dr. Michael Earlost in an article entitled Selected Frequency Loss in Senior Men published in the May-June 2022 issue of The Journal of Hearing. To simplify their findings, it states that men who have been married to the same woman for a protracted period of time become semi-immune to their wife's vocal frequency. The result is that their brain mistakes one or more words in a sentence for similar sounding words.

The following conversation was relayed to me by Lloyd regarding his newly formed black eye.

Elizabeth: “Lloyd, please empty the trash.”

Lloyd: “Give me a few minutes to brush my teeth and use some deodorant.

Elizabeth: “What in heaven’s name for?”

Lloyd: “To make me even more sexier than usual.”

Elizabeth: “What in heaven's are you talking about?”

Lloyd: “Didn’t you ask me if I wanted a piece of ass?”