Does He Take
by Ian Curtress
Does he take sugar.
Hes just three feet away!
You could reach out and touch him, its
not so very far
You can read it in his thoughtful eyes
bring on the coup de gras!
You know he speaks your language
His speech last week was clear
You heard him on his mobile phone
That friend of yours was here
She heard him clearly talking
Its not as if he garbles
He may be slow rising from a chair
But he hasnt lost his marbles
He isnt all that Invisible
Just reading another book
These days thats a novelty
Its to Google they all look
So if he doesnt want to listen in
To the latest tittle-tattle
About Mrs X down the road
And that rumoured boyfriend battle
Can you wonder he goes down the pub
With other domestic refugees
Putting the World to right
..and discussing wonky knees ! |