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Writers' Showcase

Canadian Tabs
by Teresa Gauthier

This is an almost true story about a displaced Canadian, who is now an American. She has to do things for herself that she never had to do when her husband was alive. She makes do, most of the time. Sometimes it’s the little things that create the most angst and make her laugh and cry at the same time. Like the time that Pat, her neighbor waved her down after her walk. He pointed to her car saying, “I was just wondering if that is how Canadians put on their car tabs?” She turned, puzzled, “Canadians? What are you talking .... “ and then she gasped, “Oh now I see. I put the year portion on the month part. Crap, how did I do that? I have been driving that way for months now. What should I do?”

“Well, I am sure you will be fine but you are lucky you haven’t gotten pulled over. I think you need to go to the Department of Licensing and get a new tab. Pat shook his head and chuckled, “Canadians!”

Claire planned to take care of the tabs the next day, but first, she had an early appointment in Port Orchard. When she was close to Main Street she approached a newly installed roundabout; she was confused by the signage. Missing her exit, she continued in the circle; she saw flashing lights in her rearview mirror. Heart beating, she took the first exit she could and pulled over to the side of the road. She waited and rolled down her window. The officer approached her asking, “Are you aware that you cut me off on the roundabout”. Her mouth was dry but Claire managed to splutter, “Officer, I am so very very sorry. To be honest, I was totally confused on that exit, and no, I didn’t see you. I am so sorry, it was my fault.” The officer nodded saying, “Hmmm. And Ma’am, your tabs...”

She cut him off, “ Officer I don’t mean to interrupt, but you won’t believe this. I just realized last evening that I put my tab in the wrong spot. What was I thinking? I have been driving that way for months! My neighbor asked me if this is the way Canadians put on tabs and I didn’t know what he was talking about, but I am from Canada and I thought he was joking, but clearly I put them on the wrong way and wouldn’t you know it, I do something stupid and get pulled over and,” she paused.

The officer was just looking at her, an incredulous look on his face as he struggled to hide a half smile. He shook his head, “Ma’am, look just drive carefully and pay more attention to these roundabouts. Get your tabs fixed, as soon as possible.”

“Thank you, officer. I will. I will. Have a good day.” As he gave a small smile and turned away, she noticed how trim and good-looking he was. “Phew”, she thought, “that was lucky, and wow what a looker”. She waited a few minutes as her beating heart slowed and as she pondered. She sent a silent prayer up in gratitude, thinking about her husband and she winked, “Thank you Lord for the warning, I will pay more attention. John, I like that you sent a looker to wake me up!” With a sigh and a rueful grin, she started the car, proceeding slowly and cautiously into the circle of life.

Canadian Tabs by Teresa Gauthier
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