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Back to Egyptland
by Albert Russo

Thank Goddess - here, for once, we can thank Her -, because Mo was as nimble as a bumble bee and as swift as Spiderman, and he flew away from the deadly beast before it could strike him.

All of it happened so fast that Mo’s shadow remained stuck behind a dune. It was too scared to follow him. Yeah, these things do happen, when least you expect them, specially in the desert where there are mirages, you know, them belly-dancing images that appear when you’re sweating something too terrible and your eyes piss stinging tears mixed with snots, flashing video clips of the movie ‘The Ten Commandments’ or ‘Cleopatra’ with the beeyootiful Elizabeth-eight-marriages-Taylor to your brain.

All of this gave Mo a terrific migraine, yet, he did hear the strong words of Goddess, whooshing in his ears : “Now you know, so do as I say, orrr else … Move your butt and go to Egyptland and deliver My People!”

Aaron and Mo trekked all the way back to the country of the pyramids and confronted pharaoh, demanding that he free the Israelites. Furious that anyone would have the guts to give him orders, the ladder ordered his guards to treat the Hebrew slaves even harsher, forcing them to work 48 hours a day - you don’t get what I mean? Tough luck.

The poor Heebies were so distraught and exhausted - I didn’t say ‘exterminated’, nitwit, though many died of overexertion. (Yeah, my uncle taught me all these shake’n peerish words, and you might as well learn them too if you want to become civilized dudes and dudesses and stop confusing kitties with critters) - they blamed Moses for their ordeal and cursed him until their tongues lolled out of their mouth like lizards’ tails ready to fall off, when they slough their skin.

Discouraged by the reaction of his people, Moses complained to Goddess who told him to cut out the shenanigans and return to pharaoh.

At first the king thought that Moses came to ask for mercy.

“No, Your Fair Holiness - that’s where FairHo comes from,” answered the Fallen prince, “I want to show Thou the power of our Goddess.”

To prove he was dead serious, he threw his staff to the ground with all his might, hurling it at the Holy feet, and in its place a long, hissing snake started crawling, darting its fangs toward pharaoh’s big toe. Holy farts were being heard that pushed the critter away.

FairHo called for his magicians, on account that they carried balefuls of snakes. Wasn’t He flabbyghosted when Mo’s serpent gobbled all of them alive, and soon tripled its volume all the while the snakes battled inside its stomach, grumbling till their last breath.

Still FairHo wasn’t impressed and wouldn’t free the Heebie slaves. Finally Moses let his wrath explode and asked Goddess to act. Jeezette Almighty, when She gets mad, you’d better either obey, hide or run for your life.