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Writers' Showcase

Artificial Love
by Arva Bhavnagarwala

“I’m done with you.” Sheila huffed, still dressed in her New Year’s Eve outfit,   as she dragged out a suitcase from the space under the bed.

“No, listen to me, sweetheart. It’s not like that. You’ve got it all wrong!” Arjun replied, running his fingers through his hair.

“Wrong? What part of ‘I’m enjoying my time with Amy a lot’ is wrong? Huh? I’m having none of your cheating ass anymore. I was charmed once, not again.”

“Sheila, please. Stop being so difficult and at least hear me out. Amy is not what you think she is.”

“I told you, I’m not going to believe you even if you say it was only a crush and now you are over it and blah blah blah…” She threw a few shirts into the suitcase.

“Ok, fine. I’ll take you to meet Amy. Then you can decide if you still want to leave.” Arjun sighed.

“Oh, but did I tell you I want to meet your Amy? No thanks.” A couple of underwear went into the suitcase.

He gave a resigned sigh and glanced at the suitcase. “Wait, why are you putting my clothes in this?”

“That’s because you will be leaving, not me,” Sheila smirked. “Two years you’ve had me fooled. Not anymore.”

Arjun paced the bedroom and banged his fist on the wall. “Okay, I’ll leave if that’s what you want. But first, you have to meet Amy.”

Sheila blinked at the conviction in her boyfriend’s voice and stopped packing. “Fine. Lead the way.”

She had no desire to meet the other woman in his life, the man who she thought was her soul mate. She wondered what was so special about this Amy.

Sheila couldn’t believe when Arjun had looked at her, across a crowded room, at that New Year’s party. Casual flirting turned into a serious relationship. And today, she felt sure he would propose to her. But she was glad she heard what she did, or else…

She grabbed his elbow as he started walking out. “I still don’t understand what you’ll get by introducing me to Amy. I’m going to slap her, that’s for sure.”

Arjun turned away, “You can try,” he whispered.

“What did you say?” Sheila yelled.

“I said you do whatever you want, to her, just don’t jump to conclusions.”

Arjun led her to the basement of their house. Sheila couldn’t help clenching her fists. ‘The bugger was right under my nose…’

He unlocked the door and switched on the lights. A figure sat on the bed.

“You bitch!” Sheila shouted.

“Sshhh…” Arjun kept a finger on her lips.

“Screw you!” Sheila pushed him and dashed toward Amy. She had one look at her and gasped. She clutched the side table, her mouth gaping, and breaths rapid. Darkness crept in, and she fainted.

When she regained her senses, Arjun gave her a sip of water. “What is that?” She croaked.

“That is Amy. My pet project. A humanized robot.”