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Writers' Showcase

Age of Consent
by Bill Tope

"We all get old," she said with a sigh.  I
stared at her appraisingly, liked what I
saw:  long, athletic legs,  a flat stomach
and a really stunning complexion.  I
murmured, Can't stay a teenager forever. 
She laughed, a merry, tinkling sound.  I
turned to face her on the park bench
upon which we sat.
"Are you married?" i asked bluntly.  May as
well clear the decks; no use in chasing an
impossible dream.  "I was married for twenty
years," she revealed. "Divorced."  Recently?
I inquired.  "One year ago today," she  said
wistfully. "That's why I'm in such a mood." 
Well, a little self-pity never killed anyone, I told
her. She laughed again, a beautiful, magical
She yawned, lifting her arms and stretching
the fabric of her summer dress tight over full
breasts.  I held my breath.  I decided then to
make my move.
Could I interest you in a drink? I asked
hopefully.  She hesitated just an instant,
then in a winsome voice observed
cautiously, "You're pretty frisky. But, how
old are you, young man, and are you old
enough to buy alcohol?"
it was my turn to laugh.  I'm eighty-seven, I
said.  "I'm eighty-nine--two years your
senior," she replied.  She waited for my
reaction.  I gave it to her.   That's okay, I told
her, I like older dames.