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Three Newly-Discovered Biblical Texts
by William Kitcher

A recent archeological dig uncovered three fragments of heretofore unknown biblical texts, published here for the first time.

From Genesis:
And the Lord spake, in a basso profundo as you can imagine, "Moses, take that weasel out of your underwear, and go forth or fifth to the Promised Land."
And Moses, in a high-pitched squeaky voice with a hint of Cockney accent, sayeth unto the Lord, "I will take my people to the Promised Land."
And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, "No, Moses, you must go to the Promised Land by yourself."
And Moses sayeth unto the Lord thusly, "For forty days and forty nights will I go there, Lord, and then I shall return to show my people the way, Lord."
And the Lord spake unto Moses, "No, Moses, you're not listening. You shall go to the Promised Land and stay there."
And Moses sayeth unto the Lord, "Yes, Lord, I will go there for 40 years, and then I shall return for my people."
And the Lord spake unto Moses, "No, Moses, you're not very bright, are you? You shall go to the Promised Land and stay there alone for the rest of your life because no-one likes you."
And Moses sayeth unto the Lord, "Yes, Lord, I shall go to the Promised Land for the rest of my days and then I will join you in heaven."
And the Lord struck down Moses with a spatula.
From Paul’s Letters to the Thessalonians:
Dear Thessalonians,
How are you? I am fine.
The weather is very warm for this time of the year and there are a lot of tourists here.
The hotel isn’t as nice as the one I stayed at last time but the employees are friendly and don’t mind being under-tipped.
Say hello to Aunt Ethel for me.
I hope you are well. Wish you were here.
Love, Paul
From the Book of Matthew:
And Jesus went up the mountain, and spake thusly, “It’s really high up here”. And he got a nosebleed so he descended the mountain, borrowed a tissue from a shepherd passing by, and went home for supper.
On the following day, Jesus ascended a small hill, and spake thusly to God, “Father, O God, Thou who is Me, and Me who is Thou. I’m very confused.”
And God spake unto Jesus thusly, “Be not confused, my Son, for you and I are one. You are the human incarnation of me.”
And Jesus spake unto God thusly, “But if we are one, then why are we in different places? And why is it I who must suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous furniture prices? And who is this fellow I keep seeing out of the corner of my eye?”
And God spake unto Jesus thusly, “That is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third part of the trinity that is you and me. And he and me and him and you. All three together.”
And Jesus spake unto God thusly, “I thought I didn’t feel like myself today. I’m tri-polar. Can you please tell the Holy Spirit not to go up to people, sneeze on their necks, and then run away so people think it’s me?”
And at that very moment, the sky went dark, and lightning struck everywhere, and the earth shook, and a huge chasm opened up before Jesus’ feet. And Jesus looked into the chasm, and saw unimaginable filth and smelled unimaginable odours, and Jesus felt as if he was looking into the very soul of Satan himself. And that is how God created Detroit.