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Writers' Showcase

The Cuckoo in the Cuckoo's Nest
by Alex Andy Phuong

William Shakespeare is oftentimes regarded as the greatest writer who has ever lived.  Part of the appeal of his dramatic plays is how the compelling narratives reveal fundamental themes abOne Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest remains a classic as both an American literary masterpiece and a cinematic achievement.  One has to wonder, though, what is up with the title?  Also, who (or what) does the actual flying?  Maybe the one who created the famous children's folk rhyme was either delusional, dysfunctional, or just plain "cuckoo."  At least the title sounds original while the characters were highly unusual.  The only real "cuckoos" in life, though, are the ones who invert fantasy with reality because real life is what it is.  Thank you, Ken Kesey!