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Writers' Showcase

Mutant Mutiny
by Alex Andy Phuong

Sometimes monsters can be really scary.  Within the horror film genre, there are many tropes, such as “The Final Girl.”  Nevertheless, science can blend with fiction to create a hybrid creation, but there really is no need to be afraid.  A boy named Alex Andy Phuong has been criticized as being different because he is very angelic.  He is not a stereotypical Asian scientist.  He adores fiction, along with literary fantasy and Hollywood glamour.  Sadly, the real world is not “La La Land” even though he lives near some of the places featured in La La Land.  In fact, Mr. Alex Andy Phuong will never be like other Asians, but at least he enjoyed the film Crazy Rich Asians.  Therefore, he is only a monster if horrible people think that he is a monster even though Alex is like an angel from above.