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Writers' Showcase

Mistakes Clark Kent Has Made While Looking For A Job
by R.D. Ronstad

Accurately reported his top typing speed

Wrote his S's kind of funny on a job application

When asked by an interviewer to take a seat, misjudged and ended up hovering

Supersneezed and sent himself and the wheeled office chair he was sitting in crashing through a wall

Mesmerized by some nose hairs jutting out of an interviewer’s left nostril, inadvertently set them on fire with his heat vision

Used Martian Manhunter as a reference

Showed up a day early for an interview because he forgot that earlier in the week he had temporarily reversed the Earth’s rotation

Once when asked about his personal goals, let it slip that some day he’d like to be able to leap tall buildings without bounding

Complimented an interviewer on her diamond pendant, and then boasted he once made one the same size from a piece of coal

Inflated his resume by claiming he came from Bigville