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Writers' Showcase

Joker (As a Comedy)
by Alex Andy Phuong

Joker leads the 2020 Academy Awards with eleven nominations. Within the Disney cinematic universe, some might not know that there was a Joker character in Walt Disney’s animated classic Alice in Wonderland (1951).T his “Joker” is definitely not like the Batman villain.In stead, he was very mellow, and much like the king who ruled Wonderland with the ill-tempered Queen of Hearts. The “Joker” from Wonderland could actually travel from Wonderland into the real world even though he already knows the differences between Hollywood in California and the notion of Los Angeles being a so-called “La La Land.” Whenever “Joker” walks around in the real world, he would live a simple and normal existence by entertaining kids at birthday parties. “Joker” believes that Joaquin Phoenix should win his first Academy Award in February 2020 even though he saw that movie opening day in 2019. Since it is currently January 2020, and since Alice in Wonderland was made in the 1950s, “Joker” would sometimes question the nature of Disney remakes, especially since he was never an actual character in the animated Alice in Wonderland, and not even the 2010 live-action version of Alice in Wonderland, but he was sure glad that he was never part of the box-office flop Alice Through the Looking Glass, which was a sequel that no one really bothered to see when it was released in 2016.