A Letter Home
by Vincent Barry
. . . Well,
truth be towl, Im self-medicatin. Oh,
I know, I knowblah, blah, blah bout
self-medicatin, naw nade ter lecture. But
de tin av sotiz Oi nadewaaat? tairteen,
is it dey say Oi nade ter luk, yer nu, loike a
genuine American? Ay, Oi tink so tiz waaat
oi nadetairteen dental implants.
Figure conservativelywaaat? 4k a crack?
Fifty two t'ousan' USD? But dats not why Im
self-medicating, though reason enoof so'tiz.
S de pain in me upper lef jaw. Unrelentin
withoyt Tylenol and an Advil chaser forwaaat?
six 'ours relief? S why Oi dont sleep.S
why, too, I called me dentist dis mornin.
Who, btw, Oi jist saw well, a week, cock an'
'en days ago or so, for, yknow, a cleanin
an such, and boasted, Not a one,
to er, Any problems?, then sped
aff in me borrowed SUV, as if on the lam wi
a Hot damn! six monthssix glorious
months till and smacked the dashboard,
which, ter be sure, lef a palm bruise that Quitch,
naw doubt, ill inquire bout.Yer man
Quitch is de skin guy I see at 8:10 in the a.m.
Hmm? Why not eight? Eight-tairty ? Even
eight fifteen? Gran' quesshun. I asked, believe
me: Why 8:10? So, to you, as to me,
from the achromic, telephonic, metronomic honeyed
vice on the other end: Eight twenty?,
to which, giving up de ghost, I mouthed with, t'be
sure, melanoma in mind, Eight-tenll
be gran, and just in time at dat
before it went dead, the bloody line. As ill
mine as well ,cuz the mouth joint is achin
and I shouldnt be cunctatin wi
me self-medicatin, cept ter add de
ope an' wish dat al' is gran witcha
as so tiz wi me.
Slán agus beannacht.